Check GZIP Compression

Check GZIP compression is enabled in just a few simple steps. Enter or Paste website URL to start.

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How to Check GZIP Compression Online for Free

Step 1. Enter or paste website URL i.e.
Step 2. Click on the Check Compression button to start.
Step 3. The result will appear immediately after click on check compression button.

Free GZIP Compression Checker - Easily test GZIP compression is enabled or disabled on your website with our free online GZIP compression test tool. GZIP compression helps to reduce file size and increased page loading time, So that server use less bandwidth and space & transfer files faster to the web browser. Our tool easily test the compressed and uncompressed size of your webpages within few seconds, saves your time and effort. Perfect for professionals, webmaster, or anyone needing reliable GZIP compression checker tool.